Happy Sunday!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Ive Been Dreaming of a True Loves Kiss
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Monday, November 17, 2008
TWILIGHT WEEK!! Its officially here!!
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New Pic of RPattz: This is the most beautiful boy after standing in the rain just to sign autographs! how nice......
Movie of the Week: Role Models- So Funny.... I HEART PAUL RUDD and Battlestar Galactica
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
“In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different.” - Coco Chanel
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Monday, November 10, 2008
Im in Love Im in Love and I dont care who knows it!
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Hey guys!
It looks like winter is arriving..Boo... but yay christmas!
Hottie of the Week: I mean come on those shades, the hair, the bod... he is yummy
Band of the Week: SEA BIRD!!! ROCK on!!!!!!!!!!! I feel bad giving away free songs but oh well its not like I didnt buy it sooo you can download Rescue here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=Q2JXY83G
The other song I love is Maggie Mahoney
10 DAYS TILL TWILIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that lucky slut...
I hope everyone has a great week, HAVE FUN! Live LIFE! DO SOMETHING CRAZY!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
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New Favorite Band: Everybody Else
They dress good, are hot, and most importantly they are awesome live!
Download their song In Memoriam here : http://www.megaupload.com/?d=HRXD2AB3
Never Ending Obsession 1: Hanson. Sorry I have to talk about them becuase they are amazing!
Watch this video to hear an amazing song/ see what they are doing to make the world a better
place! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hebiRAcpk4Q
Favorite Photographer: Diane Arbus.. she crazy. She took pictures of unusual people and I just love this picture of this little boy.. the story behind it is she was taking a million pictures of him just standing there and she was not happy with the picture yet.. and the boy got really frusturated and was like "When are you going to be done!!" and then she took this picture... I thought it was funny.
Have a Good Day Everyone!
For Now,
Anne C. Mack
Monday, November 3, 2008
What Kind of World Do You Want?
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Hello All,
Soooo I decided I need to update because I will be out of town for awhile haha...
First things First : GO OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Favorite Picture: Hottie Standing in front of Chanel... yes please.
Favorite Girl: Clemence Posey
Anyone that looks that fierce in a picture and can fight a dragon is def. my role model.
Funny Story of the Day: I was in the shower and I was trying to get a cap off and it flys off and hits me in the eye.
Current Love: Hot Boy.. its his real name..I see him everyday during passing period.. and then I faint and melt on the sidewalk and he catches me and says "ARE YOU OK".. and I say "yes hot boy thank you."
Goodnight NEW YORK CITY!!!!!!!!
Cross your fingers I meet Taylor Hanson Tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!
Anne C. Mack
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Its the start of something new!
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Dearest Readers,
It is my pleasure to start this blog and sincerely hope you enjoy it.
Current Obsession 1: HSM3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hells yay.. i know everyone thinks its gay and the preview is the funniest thing i have ever seen.. vanessa standing up "TROY!!!!!!!" but zanessa is tot hot right now and the movie is sooo fing good
Favorite Website:
it is all the recent episodes of every tv show in the world!. i live to watch gossip girl.. on tuesday i run home from my harry potter class, knock people over and go straight to great stuff tv
Favorite Song:
What Christmas means to me.. uhhh duh now that halloween is over bring on xmas music!!!!!!!!

Current Fashion Obsession: HUMUNGO SCARVES

make brownies and spread raw cookie dough on top.. a little piece of heaven

Link for the Recipe: http://familyrecipesandmore.com/cookdoughbrownies
Later DAYS!
Anne C. Mack